No matter how much we try to be a better person there are instances in our life, events and even some people do certain things which affect us a lot. And no matter how much peace we have with ourselves or life in general, we do get affected by certain things. But it doesn’t mean we should lose calm and get all worked up. We definitely can choose the battles we want to fight and even we can choose the things which affect us.
About the Book
The subtle art of not giving a f*ck is a self help book which as the title itself suggests is really different from all the other self help books ever published. Not only does it help us to rediscover ourselves and our emotions but it also helps us to identify our inner heroes by making us realize that we can actually choose the things which are worth our mental health and peace. The writing style is not at all boring or serious like it usually is in case of self help books. In fact the book is written in a humorous way which makes the reader read the whole book till the very end in one go.
The book is totally based upon how people can control certain things which affect them while some things shouldn’t be controlled by people. People should find meaning in the things which they can control, for example their own behavior when certain things do not go as they planned them to. On the other hand things which can not be controlled are bad values according to the book like for example popularity. One should not be so worked up about that. Instead they should focus on the things they can control. Furthermore the book provides a detailed description of how emotions work and how we can improve our life by focusing on certain things and developing a habit of not getting affected by every single thing.
Important Lessons
- Life in general sucks and it is okay- we often see on social media how people post about their happy and content life and we even wish that maybe we were there instead of them. But life is not at all how it is portrayed on social media. Life is full of ups and downs and it definitely is not a cheerful experience. It is okay to believe that life sucks. And it should be considered normal to accept its bad side too.
- Less problems strategy- you must have noticed that every problem we face is in a way related to us such that we get affected by it because in a way we care about it. If we simply stop caring about certain things which are not that important, we will realize that our problems have become lesser.
- Suffering and growth- indeed suffering is inevitable and we must suffer in order to grow as a better human being. All the trials we face, all the problems we solve and all the inner demons we defeat lead us to a path where we move to a better version of ourselves.
- Who Is responsible for your life events?- the book points out that no other person that we ourselves are responsible for our life events. The decisions we make, the people we choose to meet and the things we choose to get affected by are responsible for our life events and so are we.
- Accept that you can be wrong- the inability to accept that we can be wrong will definitely destroy a person. We all have different approaches towards life and things and we should not always think that we are right and the other person is wrong. We can never ever always or will be right.
- Embrace death- no one is immortal and we have to die one day or the other. Accept it. And do not be afraid of death. If we fear death then we are in a way fearing life too.
Best Lines
- The key to a good life is not giving a fuck about more; it’s giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what is true and immediate and important.
- Once you become comfortable with all the shit that life throws at you (and it will throw a lot of shit, trust me), you become invincible in a sort of low-level spiritual way. After all, the only way to overcome pain is to first learn how to bear it.
- After all, the only way to overcome pain is to first learn how to bear it.
- That’s simply reality: if it feels like it’s you versus the world, chances are it’s really just you versus yourself.
About the Author
Mark Manson, was initially a blogger who used to post mainly about topics related to self-help. It was after blogging for years that he finally combined all these blogs, edited them and put them in his books. He is also very active on social media sites and those who have subscribed to his newsletter (mails) would know that he constantly tries to guide people and help them in any way he can. On top of that he has recently started live sessions related to mental health topics and general philosophical aspects of emotions and all.
The subtle art of not giving a f*ck is a mind-blowing book which provides a better approach to see things and life in general. The humorous way in which it is written makes it easy to read. It provides guidance for those who really want to change their inner self. If we actually understand what the book is about, we will definitely see a shift in our behavior in a good way. Though it will not completely change you in any spiritual way but it definitely will make you realize where you went wrong or are going wrong in your life.
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